“Just like many people, I use the telephone to make appointments, shop, order pizza – for many reasons…  But when I call business to do those things, I often get hung up on because the business owner has never received an Mississippi Relay call before.. Please, Don’t Hang Up.


Thousands of people who are deaf, hard-of-hearing, deafblind, or who have a speech disability call businesses and organizations like yours every day. They call through Mississippi Relay Service. Often people hang up on Mississippi Relay calls because they think a telemarketer is calling.

When a call comes through saying, “This is Mississippi Relay,” it is a call from someone with a hearing loss or a speech disability.

These hang-ups are frustrating for deaf, deafblind, hard of hearing, and speech-disabled callers. But just as significant, they mean a loss of business and bad customer relations for the business or organization being called.

So, the next time you get a Mississippi Relay call, remember: if you hang up, you may be hanging up on the most important call that you receive all day!

Report Your Complaint Online  

If you have experienced a hang-up when placing a relay call, you can complete the hang-up incident form online below. A Mississippi Relay team will follow up by sending a brochure, a letter, or by calling the resident or business that is the source of the complaint to explain the relay service.

Help Mississippi Relay increase awareness and get the message out about the “Don’t Hang Up” campaign. Please fill out the form with accurate information and click on Send.  All information is confidential.