NEW THIS WEEK: October 29, 2015

The last week in October, we added many new articles with a focus on wine fraud trials. Part Three of the Rudy Kurniawan Trial is covered with a focus on Laura Ponsot's witness testimony, also added is Part One of the Greenberg vs Koch Trial. RUDY KURNIAWAN Trial: Part…

NEW THIS WEEK: October 22, 2015

This week's additions are focused on added pictures of evidence from the Rudy Kurniawan trial, adding a new section about internal wine fraud, and an article from Maureen Downey about the Tools of the Trade that she uses while authenticating. RUDY KURNIAWAN Production: We published galleries from the Rudy…

NEW THIS WEEK: October 8, 2015

The first week in October was dedicated to updating our counterfeit wine galleries, Rudy Kurniawan Production labels and evidence, as well as Part 2 to his trial. COUNTERFEIT WINE Counterfeit Wines: Photos Lafite-Rothschild counterfeit photos over the decades were added, along with comparisons between authentic and counterfeit Ink &…

Restaurant Best Practices to Avoid Abetting Fraud

The mission is clear.  As a Restaurateur, Wine Director or Cellar Master, your prime directive is to create, procure, store, market and serve wines appropriate for your eatery and valued guests.  This may include acquiring unique, highly coveted wines of the world that takes international buying experience, an educated palate,…
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