Rudy Associate Busted over Unlicensed Wine

Marc Lazar, owner of Domaine Wine Storage, was arrested for selling wine without a license. Lazar, who previously sold Rudy Kurniawan wines, and is a registered sex offender. The investigation is still on-going. Read more about it here.

High Visibility makes Wine Crime Stand Out

Wine fraud stories are constantly coming across our news stories, feeds, and desks- in large part due to the fact that we post so many up to each week. But is the wine industry more concentrated with fraud than other industries? A great look at many of the fraud…

NEW THIS WEEK: November 3, 2016

In the first update of November, we are excited to share new galleries, content, and news stories. First, Siobhan Turner covers how important having authentication skills as a Master of Wine and within the program is. We have four news stories about wine fraud from around the world- including a…

Bordeaux Court Deliberates on Fraud Case

Eight men accused of selling 1 million bottles of cheap wine as high-end Bordeaux wines will find their fates on November 3rd. The Bordeaux Court will decide the punishment of a winery owner, merchant, and six other men which could range from probation to prison time and up to $5.6M…
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