People with hearing and speech disabilities use the phone like everyone else – to find out about a product, make an appointment, reach a teacher, call a parent with a birthday party invitation, or simply to be neighborly.  

  • Have you ever made a call and had someone hang up on you? 
  • Do you want New York Relay Service to educate those who do hang up on you?

Some deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, and speech-disabled people find that businesses, organizations, and individuals they call through relay are unfamiliar with the Relay Service. As a result, when the Relay Operator announces the call “This is New York Relay” to someone unfamiliar with this service, often, that person will hang up. Although not intentional, the hearing person who is receiving a relay call for the first time may hang up, thinking that a telemarketer is calling.  

These hang-ups are frustrating for deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind, and speech-disabled callers, and may lead to a loss of business and bad customer relations for the business or organization being called.  

The “Please, Don’t Hang Up” Campaign consists of presentations throughout the state by the Relay Service outreach staff and a public service announcement on both TV and radio, as well as printed material.

New York Relay - Please Don't Hang Up.

How do I report my Hang-Up incident?

If you have experienced a hang-up when placing a relay call, you may either:

  • download the report form, fill out and mail to New York Relay, or
  • fill out online form below and submit your report

A New York Relay representative will follow up either by sending a brochure, a letter, or by telephoning the business or resident that is the source of the complaint. This is done in an attempt to better inform that party about relay services and to convey the message, “Please, Don’t Hang Up. It may be the most important call of the day!”

Help New York Relay increase awareness and get the message out there about the “Please, Don’t Hang Up” Campaign.